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For more information please contact our clerks by calling +44 (0)20 7242 3555.

Harry Smith
Senior Practice Manager
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7242 3555
Email: Click here
Nathan Keegan
Practice Manager
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7242 3555
Email: Click here
Izabella Houghton
Assistant Practice Manager
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7242 3555
Email: Click here

7BR offer expertise in family financial remedies whether upon divorce or at the end of cohabitation, or in anticipation of marriage.

Members advise and represent clients across the financial spectrum – from those with modest means to those with substantial wealth. Areas undertaken range from the niche field of international family trusts and pre and postnuptial agreements, to general areas of financial relief. This includes divorce and schedule 1 claims, TOLATA applications, bankruptcy and intervention by and for third parties, including by the CPS in cases where there are parallel criminal confiscation proceedings. Members appear and advise at every stage – from drafting prenuptial agreements, the pre-application conference to the maintenance pending suit application, and through each stage of a financial remedies application to final hearing. They advise upon and can undertake appeals against court orders, applications to vary existing orders or applications for the enforcement of court orders.

The family team at 7BR recognise the emotional impact and the distress the breakdown any intimate relationship has upon the client, their children and their extended family. Members of the team are known for their friendly, and empathetic approach to this highly charged area of family law. They bring to each case the negotiating skills and first rate advocacy skills required to reach satisfactory outcomes for each individual client.

For help or advice please call +44 (0)20 7242 3555 or complete 
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Frequently asked questions

Yes, please call Chambers mainline number +44 (0)20 7242 3555 and you will be directed to the out of hours phone lines.

As a direct access client, please visit our direct access page and complete the initial form, a member of the clerking team will then be in touch to discuss the next steps.

Choosing the right barrister for your case can be difficult, with so many to choose from. Our clerks will be happy to guide you with your choice. Their wealth of knowledge and experience will help you decide the right barrister not just for the case but someone who will work with you.

Some barristers have the ability to “conduct litigation” for direct access clients. Our clerks will be able to assist you as to which of our members are trained and accredited to do so.

Please visit our direct access page for the initial steps on instructing a barrister, or contact our clerks on +44 (0)20 7242 3555.


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7BR is a leading set with barristers providing expertise and assistance to clients across a broad spectrum of practice areas.