We are committed to ensuring that we take account of our social, economic and environmental impact as much as possible. We aim to implement voluntary actions over and above compliance with the minimum legal requirements to ensure these goals are met.
7BR recognises the importance of access to independent, high quality legal advice for all individuals; as such, members of chambers contribute extensively to pro bono work to assist individuals who otherwise might not receive the legal assistance they require. Members have been volunteering their time and services for the Bar Pro Bono Unit since it was established in 1996 as well as the Free Representation Unit by appearing before the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority on behalf of brain injured victims of violent crime. A number of members also work closely with regular instructing solicitors to provide free legal assistance where possible. For example, a member recently represented four Pitcairn Islanders on appeal to the Privy Council following their convictions for rape and indecent assault.
7BR has a long history of supporting students, particularly those who come from lower socio-economic backgrounds, in starting a career at the Bar through participating in individual one-on-one mentoring programmes through the Inns of Court Sponsorship Scheme and The University of Greenwich Law Advisory Committee. Barristers are matched with students who benefit from tailored career advice, C.V writing sessions and interview practise.
Members of chambers regularly chair moots and judge mock trials to assist and encourage those starting out at the Bar improve their skills and abilities. Chambers also sponsors essay competitions at both the University of Greenwich and City of London University.
Chambers is committed to reducing its impact on the wider environment by recycling, energy conservation and purchasing recycled materials wherever possible.