Kate Temple-Mabe appeared in the Privy Council on behalf of the Auditor General of Trinidad & Tobago.
The Auditor General was granted leave to apply for judicial review against the Minister of Finance and Cabinet of Trinidad & Tobago, in relation to an investigation into her response to a significant misstatement in the Ministry of Finance’s accounts. She alleges that the investigation is biased, and an unlawful interference with the independence of her office.
The Respondents unsuccessfully appealed the grant of leave to the Privy Council, who determined that the Auditor General has an arguable case on both grounds.
Kate was instructed by Freedom Law Chambers in Trinidad & Tobago, and appeared alongside Mohammud Jaamae Hafeez-Baig (Brick Court Chambers) and Aasha Ramlal (Freedom Law Chambers), led by Anand Ramlogan SC.
You can read the full judgment here.
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