Thursday 12th November by webinar at 13:15-14:00pm GMT

Collingwood Thompson QC and David O’Mahony discuss four recent decisions of the Privy Council that will be of interest to offshore clients.

Webb v. Webb [2020] UKPC 22 – concerning the circumstances in which a Court will set aside a Cook Islands trust (the case was a family case);

Ciban Management Corporation v. Citco (BVI) Ltd and Anor [2020] UKPC 21 – concerning causes of action against corporate services providers providing registered agent and director services to a BVI company;

Chu v. Lau [2020] UKPC 24 – concerning the winding up of a BVI company on the just and equitable ground;

Yearwood v. Yearwood [2020] UKPC 26 – concerning the question whether English matrimonial orders can be registered in Antigua and Barbuda.

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